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Monthly Meeting


Monday, September. 16

September Speaker:   Molly Cook

Texas State Senator

Please register here to facilitate our setup

5:30 - Arrive early for optional Mexican food truck dinner & BYOB,

Meet & greet, Pick up purchased t-shirts, and Buy yard signs

7:00 - Meeting

For Sept. and Oct. we have a new location:

Lakewood residents Club,15006 Lakewood Forest Dr.

We are making this change so that everyone can join us in a larger venue.

We will have a food truck, and you can BYOB!

All are welcome to attend and to join this growing club, which meets on the third Monday of every month. 

If you don’t get our emails, please subscribe on our website's home page for info on fun events/meetings/ways to get involved! 


Molly Cook is the incumbent Senator of Texas
State Senate District 15, after having won a
special election to fill the remainder of John
Whitmire’s term. Senator Cook is also an emergency room nurse and a community
organizer. She ran for Texas Senate to bring active representation and a community organizing mindset to Senate District 15. She will be sharing with us how grassroots organization and blockwalking played a large role in her campaign for Senator, and how progressives can win Texas this fall.

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